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Thinking of You (48)

When sending a Free Online Thinking of You Greeting Cards and Meme why not send it with a laugh. We have a great selection of funny animated miss you and Thinking of You eCards. Send yours out today!

Thinking of You - "Sinclair"
Views: 8707
Sinclair is thinking of you and says some really nice things, contrary to her personality.
Thinking of You - "Roadshow"
Views: 6610
Dale Vacwit, moron, brings an object he thinks has no value (he gave it away to a friend)to the Roadshow only to discover that he gave away treasure.
Thinking of You - "Guptah"
Views: 6883
A KwikMart sage is overcome with spiritual bliss while thinking of her good friend.
Thinking of You - "Autopsy"
Views: 4687
Coroners, Millie and Tom, have a moving conversation about the friends they think about.
Thinking of You - "Veronique"
Views: 8770
The barista at Cafe Cafe in Montreal is missing and thinking of her friend.
Pensando en ti - "Sor Maria Margarita"
Views: 7415
Sor Mar?a Margarita, llena de visi?n, recibe un mensaje para comunicarse.
Friendship - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 6707
That bee-boppin' duo croon a sweet tune that connects friends.
Thinking of You - "Marlene and Dave"
Views: 7892
Yep, it's an infomercial on a brilliant saphire and brick thinking of you combination.
Thinking of You - "Louise the Angel"
Views: 5333
The lady of the clouds on high shares that everyone in heaven is thinking of you, including the angels in her Yoga class.
Thinking of You - "Stinky Dog"
Views: 7065
Stinky Dog, in his own unique way, expresses his affection
Thinking of You - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 8797
Our musical fowl hammer out a sweet thinking of you ballad.
Thinking of You - "Packrats"
Views: 5320
Edward and Ruth, the "Packrats" show their button collection, and muse on how buttons and screws spark memories.
Thinking of You - "Dah Sport"
Views: 6842
That bouncing bucket of manly mayhem, Da Sport, this time in his hockey outfit, is thinking about another player.
Thinkin' of You - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 6045
Singin' Cowboy Bob and his horse Spitoon, yodel their way through a "Thinkin' of You" song.
Thinking of You - "Singin' Cowboy Bob" Close Captioned
Views: 5054
Singin' Cowboy Bob and his horse Spitoon, yodel their way through a "Thinking of You" song. Light outhouse humor. -- Closed Caption
Thinking of You - "Bongo and Tone"
Views: 4157
Our two beatniks pitter patter a Thinking of You Beat Poem.
Thinking of You - "Hot Lips"
Views: 6610
At her desk, a female executive enjoys a strong cup of coffee while telling someone how great they are.
Thinking of You - "Marta Stewartski"
Views: 6228
Marta takes a break from creating consumer goods to offer her advice on interpersonal communication.
Thinking of You - "Sarah"
Views: 5896
Sarah, the askew Southern Lady, suggests to a friend that she/he write.
Thinking Of You - "The Minstrel"
Views: 5537
The Minstrel, tree bound with lute in hand, croons a missing you ditty so compelling it renders forest animals weeping.
Thinking of You - "Sister Mary Margaret"
Views: 8546
Sister Mary Margaret, filled with a morning vision, gets a message to keep in touch.
Thinking of You - "Furball Franny"
Views: 6287
The furball hockin' kitty sits on a windowsill and thinks about her friend.
Thinking of You - "Hot Lips" Close Captioned
Views: 8048
The Close Captioned version of our female executive musing over her friend.
The Ego - "Flashback Boys"
Views: 4110
Our boys with the brain power of wet tissue grapple with one of life's big challenges: the ego.
Thinking of You #2 - "Cowboy Bob"
Views: 8678
Cowboy Bob sings this sweet Thinkin' of You Yodel No.2 with a tip of his Ten Gallon Hat to one of the Truly Great: Jimmy Rogers, The Yodelin' Brakeman.
Thinking of You - "Kidz Cards"
Views: 8773
One of the kids in Cleffhorn Butte is thinking of her Grandma and Grandpa.
Hello - "Guptah"
Views: 7362
Guptah, the convenience store sage, dips into the meaning and the heartfelt expression of hello.
Thinking of You - "Breeder Brothers"
Views: 6314
With baling twine for brains, they offer advice ontelling somebody that you are thinking of them.
Thinking of You #2 - "Marta Stewartski"
Views: 6619
Now out of the pokey, our lady of the every day gives some fresh thoughts on how to have a good day.
Thinking of You - "Your Mother"
Views: 7491
Our mother, having a morning tea in front of her lap top, wishes her child a "Great Day."
Thinking of You - "De la Noche"
Views: 6611
The astounding Spanish lover, De la Noche, sings a thinking of you song to his adored one.
Thinking of You - "The Psychick"
Views: 8970
The lady of the spirit world contacts all the great beings, like Rodin and Einstein, who are thinking of you.
Thinking of You - "Bats Inna Belfry"
Views: 8886
Two bats, hanging around, are thinking fondly of their friend.
Pensando en ti - "Tu Mama"
Views: 6184
Nuestra madre, se toma una taza de t? en frente de su computadora port?til, y le desea un ?D?a Maravilloso? a su hijo.
Thinking of You - "Broadway"
Views: 5983
A young couple who haven't seen each other for while meet at the local coffee shop and burst into song. A longer than average download.
Thinking of You - "Ellen and Windsor"
Views: 5739
A woman, living alone with her cat, chats about losing touch with friends while eating starch.
I Miss You - "Way Up North"
Views: 5669
Diane, researching ice in Northern Canada, misses her loved one terribly.
Send this Romantic Love Ecard and make your sweetie smile.
Views: 7258
In this singing, dancing extravaganza set in a muffin shop, two young people meet for the first time and fall in love. This is a long download, so be patient or have broadband.
Thinking of You - "The Muse"
Views: 8631
The Cuban Muse is the creative inspiration for a contact with a close friend.
Good To Have Met You - "Flashback Boys"
Views: 8442
Hardly able to carry on a conversation, the boys discuss someone they just met.
Thinking of You - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 8098
A heartfelt card with nature images about being in relationship. This is a card you can send to anyone.
Send this Love ecard
Views: 6449
Using images of nature, animation, words, and music, this card is an expression of deep love and sweet romance.
Thinking of You (from Grandparents) - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 7936
Tell your grandchild how much you love them on any given day.
Thinking of You (hugged) - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 6030
A sweet touching over the airwaves in this Sweet Chicken card.
Call Me - "Julia Child"
Views: 6119
Julia suggests you give a friend a call and cook a roast together.
Thinking of You #2 - "Guptah"
Views: 8698
The local Sage, Guptah, expressed the beauty of friendship and the joy of thinking of a friend.
Thinking of You - "Selma Goldfarb"
Views: 4650
Selma, agent to the stars, is thinking of the very best person she knows!
Thinking of You - "Way Up North"
Views: 8122
Our climate researcher from Northern Canada is braving the cold to send a thinking of you video for her favorite person.
Thinking Of You online greeting cards

Free Online Thinking of You Greeting Cards and Meme

Reach Out and Touch A Chicken

Let your friends know that you care enough to send them a laugh (or at least a smile). And, if you'll allow us to coin a phrase, "Reach out and 'Rubber Chicken eCard' Someone"

In the Beginning... Thinking of You Greeting Card

When we begin to create a new character, we often start out with creating a Thinking of You eCard. In that way we have plenty of time to spend on creating the illustrations and then on making our characters get up and move!

Link: http://rubberchickencards.com/site/how-ecards-are-made.htm

sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free eCards for 10 days!