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Fourth of July (24)

Send a funny and patriotic animated Fourth of July Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards. We love July 4th !

Shop Fourth of July ecards - "Kimmie the Juice Girl"
Views: 8873
Kimmie, the Juice girl, is planning on some wild 4th of July fireworks pranks, while she waits on??? oops??? the Fire Marshall.
This Fourth of July ecard is placed at the "General Store"
Views: 5271
This high-end Fourth of July ecard livees at the General Store
Fourth of July - "Rube Goldberg Homage"
Views: 6295
In this Rube Goldberg homage card some very complicated events produce a very simple outcome.
Shop LGBTQ+ Fourth of July ecards starring "On the Runway"
Views: 4039
Twinkie, the edgy fashion designer, unveils her new collection of 4th of July accessories on the Mount Rushmore runway.
This Dog Fourth of July e card stars "Rufus" the Veteran Dog
Views: 6421
Rufus, the veteran dog, gets his facts mixed up as he tells a tale tale of the beginnings of the Fourth of July.
Our Latin Fourth of July ecard starring "The Muse"
Views: 5450
On this Fourth of July, your Muse, Gonzalez, wants all people in the United States to practice love and tolerence and acceptance of others.
Shop this funny Fourth of July ecard starring "De la Noche"
Views: 4905
The great Latin lover, De la Noche, sings a rousing song about his love for America!
Send this funny 4th of July starring "Roadshow"
Views: 6289
Dale Vacwit, biggest idiot in the world, brings what he thinks is the real Declaration of Independence to the Roadshow, only to find out...
Online Fourth of July card starring "Aunt Gloria"
Views: 5583
Aunt Gloria's love for her adopted country, the USA, is full of hope and history
Send this Devilish Fourth Of July ecard starring "BeezleBob"
Views: 8319
Master of the Underworld pauses for a moment to contemplate his favorite holiday of the year, the 4th of July.
4th of July ecard starring Diane from "Way Up North"
Views: 6485
Diane, lone researcher of Moose Dung, celebrates the 4th of July by exploding Dung rockets.
Send this online Fourth of July ecard starring "Good Cop Bad Cop"
Views: 4604
The idiots at precinct 16.7 take Uncle Sam in for questioning... and to get some help with our leaders in Washington.
Fouth of July - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 6544
Cowboy Bob and his horse Spitoon offer their 4th of July salutations.
Shop our Fourth of July cards starring "Marlene and Dave"
Views: 8002
The infomercial duo are all excited about a barbeque that not only grills but rocket propels your food up and to your bun.
Our Premium Fourth of July ecard starring "Nostradamus"
Views: 5222
The evil sage wants to say horrible things about your 4th of July, but simply can't!
The spiritual Fourth of July ecard starring "The Psychick"
Views: 4417
Our femme of the spirit calls forth our forefolk who warble forth best holiday wishes.
Shop this Funny Southern Fourth of July Greeting starring the "Breeder Brothers"
Views: 4881
The backwoods twins give a heady spin on how to make a Fourth of July firecracker from a bit of clothing.
This quality Fourth of July stars "Flashback Boys"
Views: 5070
The giant dunderheads from the 60s flap on about the American Revolution.
Send this Patriotic Fourth of July ecard starring the "Flight Attendant"
Views: 4476
Jenny Sue, flight attendant, celebrates with her passengers this happy holiday.
Funny Fourth of July ecards starring the "Packrats"
Views: 4708
This time Ruth and Ed, the Collectors, have stolen as many American flags as possible.
4th of July - "Guptah"
Views: 5805
The sage of the Quik Mart knows that true independence comes from within.
This musical Fourth of July ecard starring "Bongo and Tone"
Views: 5370
In this 4th of July ecard, the beat poets improvise a poem about hot dogs and freedom.
The Scottish Angel "Moon McFadden" stars in this cute 4th of July ecard
Views: 4954
Scottish angel, Moon McFadden, looks from up high at the greatness of America.
Send this Funny Cat Fourth of July ecards starring "Puss"
Views: 8478
The accident prone kitty, Puss, tells the tale of last years fourth of July and the firecracker on the tail incident.
Patriotic July 4th greeting cards

Free to Be You and Me

Happy 4th! Or as certain members in our family call it, "Happy Independence Day!" And you know WHY they call it that?! Because they just have to be different than everybody else, THAT'S why! Sheesh! Why can't they just go along to get along? After all, isn't THAT what the Fourth of Independence Day is all about!??

The Big Bang Theory

No matter what you call it, we here at Rubber Chicken Cards hope you enjoy the forth day in the month of July. Unless you are like our dogs, then you will probably be spending it hiding under your bed. But even that is its own form of celebration...and it's a good way to clean out any dust bunnies you find.

Fire in the Hole!

Perhaps you are one of those poor souls who live in a place where there are no fireworks displays. In which case, you'll probably have a very tranquil and quiet Fourth of July. Well, to that we say, "When fireworks are outlawed, only outlaws'll have fireworks!" We probably are remembering that wrong, but either way, and no matter what you call the holiday, it is the one day of the year when people take time out of their busy lives to celebrate the birthday of the United States by creating A LOT of smoke: whether that's from a barbecue grill in your backyard with friends, at a city-sanctioned fireworks display or standing too close to my Aunt Linda as she chain-smokes her unfiltered Marlboros.

Safe for the Environment

Let's start a new tradition: Forget keeping the garden hose always at the ready (in case things get out of hand), and instead, email your friends and family our funny, Rubber Chicken Fourth of July eCards. We design each RCC 4th of July card to be "Safe For Work" (imagine there's a winky face emoticon here). And just for you these special Independence Day wishes are (that's how Yoda would say it)! And IF Yoda wasn't such a cheap-skate (it's not his fault, Lucas rendered him that way), Yoda would send out Rubber Chicken 4th of July Cards to each of his friends, he would!

A Completely Different Headline Here

So this year, instead of worrying about getting burned by those pesky sparklers or annoyed by our own personal nemesis, those incredibly loud, screechie, noise maker things, and by that we mean our boss, Steve (winky face, please don't fire us). Send those you care about a REAL independence virtual delight --one of our fabulous eCard greetings. They make an impression that lasts longer than the smell of burning sulfur those horrible "ground bloom flowers" leave on your sidewalk.

Finders Keepers...

For your viewing pleasure we have a number of our characters giving voice to your inner thoughts. Louise brings heaven into the mix while Stinky Dog puts a little snark into the bowl. Have fun and may you get a kiss out of the bargain, and maybe more.
sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free eCards for 10 days!