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Kwanzaa (14)

Send a funny Kwanzaa Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards

Happy Holidays - "Rube Goldberg"
Views: 4453
This complicated machine ends up in a simple happy holiday message. Rube Goldberg designed many black and white panel cartoons that celebrated turning simple ideas into complex machines. This is our homage to him and a really fun Holiday card.
Holidays - "Marlene and Dave"
Views: 6415
The Marlene and Dave Home Shopping Network brings us a special Holiday Gift.
Happy Holidays #2 - "Guptah"
Views: 5207
Guptah shares her thinking on the real meaning of the holidays.
Holidays (alone) - "Ellen and Winsor"
Views: 5960
Winsor the cat drags it out of Ellen that she is sad because she cannot afford to go home for the holidays.
Happy Holidays (Peace) - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 7405
The dancing, singing feathered ding dongs prattle and warble a song about loving everyone.
Holidays - "Juicy Juice"
Views: 4473
Kimmie, the Juicy Juice Bar girl, wields her cell phone and tries to help a religious figure with a holiday juice boost.
Holidays - "Broadway"
Views: 6633
Dave comes to the diner confused about what holiday foods to order. Stella, the short order cook, breaks out into song about us being all one family, no matter what foods we eat.
Kwanzaa - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 5092
While Frankie wants to sing a song about "we" Eddie keeps coming back to "me."
Kwanzaa - "The Professors"
Views: 7897
Sitting in front of a winter fire, the Professors illuminate the 7 principals of Kwanzaa.
Happy Holidays - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 6578
Using words, sweet music, and holiday images, this heartfelt holiday card expresses warm holiday wishes.
Happy Holidays - "Stinky Dog"
Views: 8348
Stinky Dog tries to think of something to give the one he adores on the holidays.
Happy Holidays #2 - "Stinky Dog"
Views: 4412
Stinky Dog tries to figure out how to celebrate all of these wonderful holidays at the end of the year.
Holidays - "Sinclair, the Hipster"
Views: 4878
Sinclair, the hipster, wrestles with a concept of Holidays. Can you love without the story of Christmas, can you have courage without the story of Hanukkah. What does Sinclair end up with?
Kwanzaa - "Kimmi the Juice Girl"
Views: 8138
Though Kimmi the Juice Girl does not want to be at her stinky job, she really loves the idea of Kwanzaa and its message.
Kwanzaa cards

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Kwanzaa's that time of year that can get overshadowed by other wintertime holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah. But this delight of a holiday need not be forgotten any longer, if you take the time to send some Kwanzaa Ecards to your friends and relatives.

Thank You, Dr. Karenga

Kwanzaa is based on the year-end harvest festivals which have taken place throughout Africa for thousands of years. It's not a religious holiday, nor is it meant to replace Christmas. Kwanzaa was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga, a professor of Black Studies, from the 1960's. During this time of great social change for African Americans, Dr. Karenga began to create a celebration that would pay tribute to the values of ancient African cultures and inspire modern day African Americans who were working for progress.

An African American & Pan-African Holiday

The name Kwanzaa comes from the Swahili phrase "matunda ya kwanza," which means "first fruits of the harvest." Dr. Karenga chose this phrase from the Swahili language as a symbol of Pan-Africanism. Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration of family, community, and culture.

The Seven Principles of the Kwanzaa Holiday

There is a different principle to honor each of the seven days of Kwanzaa. These principles are believed to have been the foundation towards the building of strong, productive families and communities in Africa. During the festivities, celebrants greet one another with "Habari gani," or "What's the news?" The answers come from the following principles of Kwanzaa:

  1. Umoja (oo-MOH-ja) Meaning: unity. Action: creating a community that is well bonded.
  2. Kujichagulia (koo-jee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Meaning: self-determination. Action: expressing yourself and making decisions that help the community.
  3. Ujima (oo-JEE-mah) Meaning: collective work and responsibility. Action: being of assistance others within the community.
  4. Ujamaa (oo-JAH-ma) Meaning: cooperative economics. Action: supporting the economy of businesses that care about the community.
  5. Nia (nee-AH) Meaning: a sense of purpose or "Why am I here?" Action: engaging goals that assist the community.
  6. Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) Meaning: creativity. Action: making the community better and more beautiful.
  7. Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Meaning: faith. Action: knowing that a better world can be made for communities now and in all the coming days.

Our Kwanzaa ecards are a fun and simple way to celebrate with your friends and family. And to share with those who want to learn more about their history. This beautiful holiday celebrates all that is good and worth sharing: Unity, Self-Determination, Collective work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economy, Creativity, Faith, and Purpose (Take THAT Boy Scouts of America!). We wish you a peaceful and happy holiday as we enter a new year.

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