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Belated Birthday eCards Send Animated (14)

Send Animated Belated Birthday eCards today. Our team of some of the best animators and voice over actors in the World have created the funniest belated birthday ecards on the planet.

Try this funny belated Birthday ecard starring the "Roadshow" Idiots
Views: 7357
Dale, confirmed idiot, brings a bar of soap to the Roadshow to give to his wife after he misses her birthday.
This funny animated Belated Birthday card stars BeezleBob, the Devil.
Views: 6884
The devil, the hilarious version, chats with some of his worst members about how to miss a birthday on purpose..
Louise the Angel and her host of angels stars in the is online birthday ecard
Views: 4427
Louise missed your birthday -- or did she?
Sinclair, the hipster, stars in this electronic birthday e card.
Views: 5637
In Sinclair's world you do not wish someone a birthday on their birthday! Late is better and more meaningful.
The local Sage, Guptah, gives her wisdom in this Belated Birthday ecard.
Views: 4243
In this birthday eCard, our convenience market sage suggests that there are no belated birthdays and the sender is not really late.
Send this "Muse" belated birthday e card, if you want something funny and sweet.
Views: 4263
In this birthday eCard, late for the birthday of your friend, the Cuban Muse steps in to defray any unhappy feelings.
Our lady of the Spirits, the Psychick, stars in this electronic belated birthday ecard.
Views: 4869
Our Valley Girl Psychick contacts the spirit world in order to deliver a Happy Belated Birthday eCard message.
The hacking Furball Franny sends love in this funny online Belated Bday ecard.
Views: 7737
Sometimes even fuballs come late in this belated birthday eCard.
Singing Cowboy Bob and Spitoon warble a sweet belated bday song .
Views: 8260
In this brithday eCard, Bob and good ole Spitoon sing a song for horse and cowboy to lament the forgettin' of a birthday.
The famous singing fish, Woody Guppie, sings a belated Birthday tune.
Views: 7849
In this birthday eCard, the singin' fish sings a sad and shameful tune about a birthday missed.
Good Cop and Bad Cop go at it in this online belated Birthday card
Views: 6028
Two par-boiled, half-baked detectives grill a suspect charged with Missing Somebody?s Birthday!
Belated Bday Closed Cap - "Guptah"
Views: 6657
Our convenience market sage suggests that there are no belated birthdays and the sender is not really late.
This Belated Birthday ecard features the drunk Happy Hour dogs.
Views: 6887
In this birthday eCard, the dogs at the bar whoop it up over missing the birthday of their good friend.
In this Sorry I Missed your birthday ecard, Dr. Maybaum takes calls on his horrible radio show.
Views: 7842
In this eCard, our Radio Talk Show Master entertains a an emotional call about missing a birthday.
Send Animated Belated Birthday eCards

Birthday Gift or Card Late? Send Animated Belated Birthday eCards

So you're a tad late. What is SO darn special about being "on time?" Why is that SOOOOOOOO important? What is the BIG deal???? Personally, we think getting ANYWHERE AT ALL REMEMBERING ANYTHING these days is a blinkin miracle!

Think About Sending an Animated Belated Birthday eCard

If you were "On Time" for EVERYTHING what happens to "SURPRISE!!!!!!" or "THANK GOD YOU MADE IT!"? And exactly how are you supposed to remember EVERYTHING that is happening or TOO LATE! in this over infomercial inundated Age? Multitasking DOES NOT improve one's memory and is perilous to the perception of Time passing. Didn't you JUST send a bottle of Brunello to Bernice?

Panic Time

Panic pours over you as you halt and thinking, "What's today? The date? OMG! Was Lisa's birthday LAST FRIDAY? Lovely, luscious, laughing Lisa????? Gut wrenching. Of ALL the people to forget! Of ALL the people not to nod in with. Then as you try to breathe you think, "exactly when was the last time your flight from LAX left per its printed schedule? How long have you waited for a straight forward burger at Barney's Barbecue And Beyond? A refill for your coffee? Iced tea? WHEN have you NOT been stuck in traffic? Trapped in the unexpected 5 block long lines to the prequel of Vegas Rap Babes I, II and III?"

They Didn't Miss Your Important Day

But when you do remember you've neglected to send cheers to Charlene or Edwin or Fred? When you recall you have forgotten to forward felicitations to a beloved friend on their birthday you know you are a complete and utter jerk. Cathy has been your best friend FOREVER and NEVER EVER missed sending you flowers or something supercilious on your special day. Or Doug who was your brother's best man at his first wedding.,,,and second - and brought everyone Valium to the third? How could you NOT remember such treasured peoples birthdays?????

So Many Ways to Be Late

There are a myriad of reasons to be belated. ALL legitimate. Sometimes it just can't be helped. An unexpected appendicitis. A summons. Contractions. These things can happen to any and everyone.

Don't Worry

Well fear not! We here at Rubber Chicken E Cards have THE PERFECT SOLUTION! Our belated birthday cards can be sped across the internet the moment you recall that you've forgotten and besotted salutations can be shot to your beloved ones the moment you hit "send". Frannie Furball coughs up gobs of congratulations. Cowboy Bob warbles winning solicitudes. Psych Chick summons forth spirits of love and devotion. And the ever wise and wonderful Guptah gives bountiful assurances that EVERY day is EVERYONE'S birthday for ETERNITY!

You Are Covered

So be assured your belated ecard greetings are completely covered with appeasing and endearing exclamations of joy, love and happiness for your ever so cherished chum, beloved buddy, charismatic compadre, conscientious confidente, sidekick, associate, even your brat of a brother. WHOEVER it is you want to assure you adore! We've got you covered! And really, try to remember - better late than never!