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Birthday 40 (16)

Birthday - "Autopsy"
Views: 4076
In this birthday eCard, Tom and Millie are about to do an autopsy when Millie interrupts with a Birthday Cake for Tom's birthday.
Send this funny animated Birthday ecard starring "God"
Views: 6314
God talks to the brithday human face-to-face, telling them that they are the best person in the whole world.
Birthday - "The Muse"
Views: 7467
In this birthday eCard, the Muse, a Cuban gent who loves the good life, appears when you need him for inspiration on a birthday.
Birthday - "Bongo and Tone"
Views: 4949
In this musical birthday eCard, the Beatniks burble and moan a birthday beat musical poem.
Birthday - "Angel Moon McFadden"
Views: 8795
In this birthday eCard, our Scottish Angel, Moon McFadden, has a fresh idea on how to celebrate a birthday.
Check out our SweetChicken Ecard
Views: 7428
In this birthday eCard, desserts appear and disappear, honoring the sweetness of the upcoming year.
Send this digital Zen Birthday Card - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 5875
In this birthday eCard, music and serene images flow to honor a more heartfelt birthday.
Send this Small Town Birthday ecard - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 6953
In this birthday eCard, in a small town, a very special birthday is coming.
This funny digital Birthday stars "Good Cop Bad Cop"
Views: 4082
In this birthday eCard, Bad cop abuses the birthday suspect and Good cop protects him and gets him a cake.
Send funny birthday wishes with the "General Store"
Views: 4009
In this birthday ecard, Bert takes a trip to see Mr. Klamen at the General Store in order to pick up a special brithday gift.
Our animated Birthday wishes card stars "Master Liu"
Views: 5856
The great Asian Master Liu gives his pithy thoughts on a birthday
This funny birthday ecard features "Origins"
Views: 5807
Dr. Phonohar is interviewed about the origins of the Hawaiian language, especially regarding the phrase "happy birthday."
Check out this funny virtual ecard starring "Sinclair, The Hipster"
Views: 8163
Sinclair, a Hipster sitting in a coffee shop, gives a tortuous, ironic Birthday wish to her good friend.
This Sweet online ecard is a Rube Goldberg Machine homage.
Views: 8135
In our third Rube Goldberg homage birthday machine, a complicated series of events end up in a candle blowing out.
Send this dog birthday ecard starring "Rufus the Dog"
Views: 4227
Rufus, the grissled backyard veteran dog, weaves a remarkable story of war and friendship in which nothing really seems to be real.
At the Taco Truck birthday magic happens in this animated personalized birthday ecard
Views: 6969
Armando, the magic Taco Truck man, serves up a spiritual meal for a brithday to a special person.
Happy 21st Birthday

So You've Just Had Your 40th Birthday! Woot!

Ya, know. You can say that 40 is the new 20 all you want, but most of us don't feel that way. For most people the eyes are starting to dim, just a jot, and the stomach is more like a drape for a puppet show. So for most humans, 40 is the same old 40.

But We Don't Need to Fell Like That!

Time to whip out the Tony Robbin's tapes and make the 40 the new 20. Alchemy can happen, and with a little bit of perspective this could be the best birthday of your life.

The Way Forward

People love their 40s. The kids are older, if you have them. The body is still kickin' and hoppin'. Opportunities abound in this world. The World is your oyster. Come on, let's do this.

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