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Cinco de Mayo (11)

Send a funny Cinco de Mayo Ecards from Rubber Chicken Cards

Cinco de Mayo - "Stinky Dog"
Views: 8959
Stinky Dog goes to his local market to get some cheese and mayo to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Bats Inna Belfry"
Views: 6457
Two wiseguy bats, Vinnie and Sal, get together with Sal's on again off again gal, Angie, to chat about Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Sarah"
Views: 5673
Sarah nos hace recordar el verdadero significado del Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Puss"
Views: 5689
The unlucky kitty, Puss, brings his brand of good nature to a Cinco de Mayo incident with his mean French Poodle neighbor.
Cinco de Mayo - "Flight Attendant"
Views: 5232
Jenny Sue hands out the expensive Mexican snacks on the plane and whoops it up for Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "The Muse"
Views: 6267
The Cuban Muse is here to creatively honor the freedom that lives in the holiday of Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Welcome Wagon"
Views: 8485
Betty Ann Beeman, the Welcome Lady, barges into a neighbor's house to offer her amazing Cinco de Mayo recipes.
Cinco de Mayo - "Psychick"
Views: 5762
Our lady of the Spirit World channels some the great warriors of Mexico in honor of Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Taco Truck"
Views: 4772
At the Taco Truck, the magical chef cooks up a feast of happiness for Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo - "Jersey"
Views: 6633
Vinnie uses Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to ask his wife for a little you-know-what to mark the day. Her reactions are hysterical.
Cinco de Mayo - "Food Eaters"
Views: 4222
Jake Welllington, direct from his mother's basement, eats Mexican food for us over the internet in celebration of Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco de Mayo cards

Mucha Lucha! Cinco de Mayo | Animated Funny Online Greeting Cards

Hola Compadres! We've got a vast selection (is 5 vast?) of Cinco De Mayo Ecards to help you share in the fun and party-like sentiments with all your friends. We've even added in a dash (or dollop) of humor for good measure. Of course, nothing is quite as funny as getting the scoop on Cinco de Mayo from characters who are at best "Mexico-adjacent".

Aqua Viva - La revolucion no sera??¡ televisada!!

See, contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day --that happens in September and is hardly known about in the United States (leave it alone, Budwieser, you too Coke! "No hay que buscarle mangas al chaleco!").

Ay Si Claro

Cinco De Mayo is a commemoration of the Mexican triumph over French invaders in the Battle of Puebla on the fifth day of May, 1862. These days it has become a bigger deal in the United States --as a celebration that is more about family and cherishing Mexican history and pride-- than in Mexico itself, with the exception of the state of Puebla, where it's known better as "El Day de la Batalla de Puebla" (but please don't ask them to serve you nachos).

Here's a Reason to Celebrate

Interesting fact: since the original Cinco de Mayo, no country in the Americas has been invaded by Europeans (unless you count the Beatles in the Mid-60s). So, crank up Jimmy Buffet's "Pina Colada" on the stereo, microwave your Spam-flavored flour tortilla chips, and wash it all down with an ice-cold cherry Fanta! What better way to say, "Close enough, we're American!"?


Or better yet, how about trying to make your abuela proud, and download some authetic Mexican music from great artists like, Luis Miguel? Here's just a few of his hits: "Me Gustas Tal Como Eres", "Un Sol", "Ya Nunca Mais", "La Incodicional", Cuando Calienta El Sol", "Ahora Te Puedes Marchar"," La Media Vuelta" and "Yo Que No Vivo Sin Ti." The dude's like Mexico's Lady Gaga, except with bigger production value! Or how about setting the mood by printing out one of Deigo Rivera's many famous and beautiful murals from your color printer? Try hanging it up in your cubicle and if your boss gives you attitude, tell 'em next year it'll be portraits of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata! That'll cool his gazpacho but quick!

Frida Kahlo Action Figures (some assembly required)

For our part, we have gathered together our favorite characters to help celebrate this important event with you. Our bird-brained "psychick" knows more about the holiday than may first appear. For an earful of slaughtered Spanish that's sure to have you snickering, check our famous flight attendant's take on the Mexican holiday. Whichever cards you choose to send, or whoever you choose to send them to, here's wishing you a big "Felicidades" to you and yours on this trans-cultural holiday. Que bueno!

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