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Friendship Day (7)

Send a funny Friendship Day Ecards from Rubber Chicken Cards

Friendship Day - "Packrats"
Views: 4237
Ruth and Ed collect a memento from each of their friends, calling them FriendMentos.
Friendship Day - "Ellen and Winsor"
Views: 6544
On Friendship Day, Ellen and her cat, Winsor, celebrate their long and lasting friendship.
Friendship Day - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 4725
To celebrate National Friendship Day Frankie and Eddie attempt to sing a song about friendship, but, as always, Eddie goes off on a tangent.
Friendship Day - "Good Cop Bad Cop"
Views: 4362
In this Friendship Day ecard, the Chief tries to express his feelings about his good friend, Good Cop.
Friendship Day - "Lincoln"
Views: 4173
7 year old Lincoln reaches out to his friends on Friendship Day - even though they can't get together.
Friendship Day - "Roadshow"
Views: 4993
Dale Vacwit, certified idiot, steals some silverware from his good friend and brings it to the Roadshow.
Friendship Day - "The Muse"
Views: 4294
Your creative inspiration, the Cuban Muse, helps you tell your friend how much you care about them.
Friendship Day cards

I Get By With a Little Help From My...

As you know, we human beings are social creatures. Just look at Facebook if you don't believe us. Ours (yes, that's grammatically correct, so don't "unfriend" us!), Ours is a stellar history of showing other people how much their friendship means to us. And we just love to treat our friends well! Our capacity for human closeness and friendship sets us above this planet's lower life forms ...unless you count the little detour we took during the Inquisition. So, maybe we weren't being as friendly as we could have been back then, but, aside from the Inquisition, we humans always set aside a special time in our lives to show others how much we cherish and value them! Oh, wait there was also the Salem Witch Trials... Yikes! We can really be unfriendly sometimes!

On Average, We Treat Others Well

Okay, so maybe, most but not ALL our history to the contrary, we humans --for the most part-- treasure other people and go to great lengths to show them how much they enrich our lives! Especially those we're fortunate enough to call our friends. And, yes, maybe we could try a little harder with everybody else too... (but let those losers figure out their own holiday, this one's just for our friends!). After all, as the saying goes, "Strangers are just friends we haven't met yet"...sheesh, whoever thought that up must be a stupid, lonely, jerk! ...hey, do you know how we could make more friends?!).

Friends With Benefits

So, in honor of friends everywhere, our BFFs in Congress declared August 1st "Friendship Day", giving greeting card companies like us one more category to exploit... err, we mean, HONOR and CHERISH! So, every year since 1935, "World Friendship Day", has been celebrated globally. And what better year than 1935 to start showing people everywhere how much we all care about friendship, right Adolf?!?

Can't We All Just Get Along?!?

Ugh! Okay, well just because some people choose to treat others badly doesn't mean you and us --as friends-- can't make an extra-special effort to treat each other with respect and dignity. After all, it's what we all deserve, right? So make every August first --or better yet-- ANY day of the year "World Friendship Day"! Take a moment to send those you care about any of our many, friendly Rubber Chicken eCards. Because, when it gets right down to it, all we really have is each other. And that's worth celebrating! Happy Friendship Day, dear friends!

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