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Birthday 60th (28)

Send a funny animated happy 60th Birthday Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards to your over the hill friends on their special day.

In this Happy Birthday 60th ecard, our direct and to the point Southern Belle, Sarah, gets right to the heart of aging.
Views: 7697
Salty Sarah, the Southern Belle, goes over the accomplishments of turning 60 - at anything.
Send this funny animated Birthday ecard starring "God"
Views: 6971
God talks to the brithday human face-to-face, telling them that they are the best person in the whole world.
Birthday - "Flight Attendant"
Views: 6893
In this birthday eCard, Jenny Sue throws a surprise birthday party aboard the plane.
Birthday - "The Muse"
Views: 5291
In this birthday eCard, the Muse, a Cuban gent who loves the good life, appears when you need him for inspiration on a birthday.
Birthday - "Bongo and Tone"
Views: 6040
In this musical birthday eCard, the Beatniks burble and moan a birthday beat musical poem.
Birthday - "Angel Moon McFadden"
Views: 5148
In this birthday eCard, our Scottish Angel, Moon McFadden, has a fresh idea on how to celebrate a birthday.
Check out our SweetChicken Ecard
Views: 6116
In this birthday eCard, desserts appear and disappear, honoring the sweetness of the upcoming year.
Send this digital Zen Birthday Card - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 7539
In this birthday eCard, music and serene images flow to honor a more heartfelt birthday.
Send this Small Town Birthday ecard - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 5982
In this birthday eCard, in a small town, a very special birthday is coming.
Try this funny Rube Goldberg birthday card - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 4644
In this unique birthday eCard, this toon is an homage to Rube Goldberg machines as we assemble a birthday cake.
This funny digital Birthday stars "Good Cop Bad Cop"
Views: 4201
In this birthday eCard, Bad cop abuses the birthday suspect and Good cop protects him and gets him a cake.
Send funny birthday wishes with the "General Store"
Views: 5980
In this birthday ecard, Bert takes a trip to see Mr. Klamen at the General Store in order to pick up a special brithday gift.
Send this sweet Birthday Rube Goldberg #2 to just about anyone.
Views: 4408
In this Rube Goldberg Birthday ecard homage, an intricate series of events sets off the blowing out of a candle.
Birthday (60th) - "Louise the Angel"
Views: 6880
Louise, the correspondence angel, honors you on your 60th birthday.
Our animated Birthday wishes card stars "Master Liu"
Views: 7514
The great Asian Master Liu gives his pithy thoughts on a birthday
Animated 60th Birthday card stars "Flight Attendant"
Views: 4468
The Flight Attendant, Jenny Sue, gives a rousing Happy 60th snack party to a passenger on the plane.
This funny birthday ecard features "Origins"
Views: 4354
Dr. Phonohar is interviewed about the origins of the Hawaiian language, especially regarding the phrase "happy birthday."
This hilarious and animated birthday ecard stars "Reggae Mon"
Views: 5582
A Raggae tune, singing tropical birds, deliver a birthday message, "Take your time like a taffy pull."
Check out this funny virtual ecard starring "Sinclair, The Hipster"
Views: 7054
Sinclair, a Hipster sitting in a coffee shop, gives a tortuous, ironic Birthday wish to her good friend.
This Sweet online ecard is a Rube Goldberg Machine homage.
Views: 4011
In our third Rube Goldberg homage birthday machine, a complicated series of events end up in a candle blowing out.
Send this dog birthday ecard starring "Rufus the Dog"
Views: 4028
Rufus, the grissled backyard veteran dog, weaves a remarkable story of war and friendship in which nothing really seems to be real.
At the Taco Truck birthday magic happens in this animated personalized birthday ecard
Views: 7857
Armando, the magic Taco Truck man, serves up a spiritual meal for a brithday to a special person.
Shop this sexy 50th birthday ecard starring "Veronique"
Views: 7693
Veronique, sweet and salty waitress at Cafe Cafe, the French Canadian coffee shop, gets the birthday order just right.
Shop this 60th birthday ecard starring "BeezleBob"
Views: 8594
Beez hangs out with Cher and a few other wonderful folks who are getting older and chatting about how to stave off advancing age.
Try this one for a younger feel starring our "Geeks".
Views: 7466
The Geeks contemplate what it would be like to have a birthday if you are going to live forever.
Our best Birthday ecards #2 starring the "Flashback Boys"
Views: 6981
The boys with the IQ of peat moss wonder why we can never be happy with the age we are at.
Birthday #2 - "Juicy Juice"
Views: 4925
Kimmie gathers all of her friends via conference phone to deliver an ecstatic birthday surprise.
This funny virtual birthday ecard stars Albert Sussman of "Dreamtime"
Views: 7539
It's Dreamtime with Albert Sussman where a woman adrift in a dream asks Albert, Master Dream Interpreter, to figure it out.
Happy 60th Birthday

"AARP" Stands For: "Active And Ready to Party"!

Congratulations (assuming you're sending these cards to yourself) you are now officially MIDDLE aged! And if you're sending these cards to your favorite 60-year-old birthday boy/girl, GOOD ON YOU! Getting "more mature" is a badge of honor, even in a where even one-year-olds are getting tummy tucks!

Half a Century PLUS! - Happy 60th Birthday Ecards and Funny Over the Hill Greeting Cards

What a gift to be able to look back on six decades, to find oneself intentionally engaged in contemplative reflection. We'll give you a moment to ponder that last sentence... Okay, good, now ONWARD! And HEY you outlived a lot of your enemies! Who'da thunk it? Okay, truly it's one of the "big ones" for you, your friend or family member. We'll pause again for you to insert you own adolescent joke here... Done?! Good, now send out one or more of our designs.

Dorian Grey is a Hack!

The only thing that doesn't age gracefully is buttermilk... believe us WE FOUND OUT THE HARD WAY! But you (and /or your loved one) deserve the loving act of receiving a Rubber Chicken 60th birthday e-greeting. We are so conscious and caring here at Rubber Chicken is?? that we have many birthday wishes in this section for just this occasion. And being self-congratulatory is NOT beneath us. We know this, because we checked. The only thing below us is an earthworm spelunking! Buh-dump-bump! Thank you and be sure to tip your waitress! And you know what would make a PERFECT waitress tip?! Wait for it... a Rubber Chicken 60th Birthday eCard!

Oh, You DID NOT Know We Were Going to Say That!

FYI: we have over 100 other birthday greetings in the main section. Some are sweet, some are Rube Goldberg homage egreetings, and some are flat out hysterical animated birthday messages, like our De La Noche, and Muse characters from the talented voice over actor Stephen Day. We also have a goodly selection of spiritual ones, like Guptah, God, and Louise the Angel to give the gift of a nice guffawing to those who prefer the perspective of those dimensions
sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free greetings for 10 days!