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Professors (36)

Brilliant idiots expound

Shop this Premium Native American Day ecard starring the Profressors
Views: 7509
The erudite idiots, The Professors, tackle Native American Day.
Tu Bishvat - "Professors"
Views: 5689
The brilliant professors sit in front of a roaring fire discussing the celebration of Tu Bisvat and whether man or God created holidays.
Send this smart New Years ecard starring the "Professors"
Views: 4492
The Professors dig into the ability for a human being to choose how they see a New Year.
Try this dry humored Birthday ecard starring the idiot professors.
Views: 7554
The erudite Professors discuss whether attitude is important in a long life.
In our Premo thank you ecard "The Professors" grapple Thanks
Views: 8238
In this thank you ecard, the erudite foolish ones compete with each other over the meaning of "Thanks."
This smart Halloween ecard stars "The Professors"
Views: 7327
The dueling gents of the intellect turn their brilliance into merriment as they guess the costumes of major figures in History.
In this get well ecard, the Professors who make stuff up to appear brilliant, offer a treatise on wellness.
Views: 5102
Those two erudite Professors sit around the lounge and discuss the origins of medicine and whether doctors are necessary.
Smart Thanksgiving ecard stars the "Professors"
Views: 7489
The Professors sit down for an erudite chat about the origins of the turkey.
Thoughtful Hanukkah ecards from the "The Professors"
Views: 4174
This erudite duo enjoin in a battle of the wits about Hanukkah and burning oils.
Winter Solstice - "Professors"
Views: 5578
The Professors discuss the Yin and the Yang of the holiday season at the time of the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere - the Winter Solstice.
Christmas - "Professors"
Views: 6925
Edwin and Charles smoke pipes and quibble about whether there was hay in Mesopotamia at the birth of Christ.
Christmas #2 - "The Professors"
Views: 5202
The Professors ponder the birth of Christ and hope of the world.
Boxing Day - "Professors"
Views: 8438
Charles and Montgomery trade quips as they hammer out the real meaning of Boxing Day, the day after Christmas.
Ash Wednesday - "The Professors"
Views: 7824
The University Dons prickle to each other's ideas on the very meaning of the "Ash" in Ash Wednesday.
Tax Day - "The Professors"
Views: 7489
Our experts on...well... not much, wander and ponder on the roots and the emotional nature of "Tax Day."
Mother's Day - "Professors"
Views: 8276
In a lively discussion on the reality of childrearing, it is discovered that Charles has yet to call his mother.
Sweetest Day - "Professors"
Views: 6803
The great men of education disagree about the meaning of Sweetest Day.
Martin Luther King - "Professors"
Views: 5150
The pompous brainy gents reflect upon Martin Luther King's life and the opportunities he created for all.
The Professors, those pompous dorks, star in this virtual Easter e card.
Views: 6242
The erudite duo ponder the meaning of the Easter Bunny in scriptural literature.
Valentine's Day - "Professors"
Views: 4546
Our two Professors blather and babble on about probably imprecise Valentine's Day facts and observations.
This virtual Fathers Day card stars "The Professors"
Views: 7622
The great men of learning share a pipe and talk about the love they have for their fathers.
"The Professors" star in this funny virtual greeting
Views: 7467
Those charming gentlemen get all fussed up in their summer clothing and dive into the roots of summer behavior.
Canadian Thanskgiving - "The Professors"
Views: 7078
Those brilliant men of learning pontificate upon the difference between the American and the Canadian Thanksgiving.
Kwanzaa - "The Professors"
Views: 6821
Sitting in front of a winter fire, the Professors illuminate the 7 principals of Kwanzaa.
Quality Memorial Day online ecard starring "The Professors"
Views: 5166
The brilliantly stupid professors unfurl a touching look at those who have faught to keep us free.
The "Professors" star in this high-end Flag Day ecard
Views: 5168
The almost erudite Professors babble on about Flag Day in the United States, getting most of it wrong.
This HIgh-Quality Columbus Day ecard stars the "Professors"
Views: 6961
The Professors tell some very tall tales about the history of Christopher Columbus.
This smart Bastille Day ecard stars the "Professors"
Views: 5500
In considering the revolution in France, one of the Professors, Montgomery, thinks that the Illuminati was behind it and wants to become a member.
Yom Kippur - "The Professors"
Views: 5574
On the Day of Atonement, the two Professors apologize to each other for some rather darker deeds.
A superior Australia Day ecard "The Professors"
Views: 5827
The Professors, thinking and writing about Australia Day, honor the culture of immigrants and natives in Australia. This card-toon is voiced by Fred Tatasciore and Steven Rotblatt.
The Professors, those erudite dorks, star in this nerdy Passover ecard
Views: 8723
The Professors contemplate the 8th plague of God's action to free the Jews, the broccoli floret.
Funny Western Australia Day ecards starring the "Professors"
Views: 8498
The Professors relish the true joy of Western Australia Day.
Shop Rosh Hashanah ecards starring "The Professors"
Views: 8620
The two brilliant men, kinda, discover the true meaning of love and renewal in Rosh Hashanah.
Shop our Citizenship Day starring "The Professors"
Views: 7915
The Professors, Charles and Montgomery, contemplate Citizenship Day and its origins.
Superior online St. Patrick's Day ecards starring the "Professors"
Views: 6633
What was the real truth about St. Patrick? Was he kidnapped by pirates? Did he drive the snakes out of Ireland? The Professors know!
Earth Day - "The Professors"
Views: 5342
The Professors get into a lively conversation about the Earth and its bounty.