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Get Well ecards (28)

The idiots at Rubber Chicken Cards know you. We know that you want animated get well ecards that make people who don’t feel well happier. We know that a happier person is someone who gets well sooner and faster. Duh! We have deep laugh funny for those people who don’t have rib damage and/or sweet get well wishes for those friends and family members who are really hurting. Make ‘em smile – show them you care.

Send this engaging and funny get well card which is a take on a Rube Goldberg machine.
Views: 7615
A complicated machine starts rolling and ends up in a simple "Get Well."
In this animated get well soon ecard Ellen is taken care of by her cat, Winsor.
Views: 7024
Ellen is sick, and her cat, Winsor, is there to care for her and give her some great advice on using sickness as an opportunity.
If you want to send something with some wisdom and perspective, try this "Guptah the Local Sage" card.
Views: 6878
Our Spiritual Master, and Convenience Store entrepeneur, offers some deep get-well wisdom.
This online get well card is funny and sweet - "Aunt Gloria"
Views: 8001
Aunt Gloria awaits someone who now can't come over because they are sick.
God is sorry about the illness, and then He gives a loving heap of encouragement.
Views: 6612
God offers encouragement, along with an apologetic explanation, to one of his ill humans.
Who doesn't want their "Mom" to love them up when they are sick?
Views: 8552
Our "generic Mom" gives us that one word of advice, making us feel so much better.
This Singing Get Well Soon ecard will make your friend giggle -- starring De la Noche.
Views: 6450
The great Spanish lover tilts his guitar and healing voice towards his ill friend.
In this get well ecard, the Professors who make stuff up to appear brilliant, offer a treatise on wellness.
Views: 4985
Those two erudite Professors sit around the lounge and discuss the origins of medicine and whether doctors are necessary.
Send this Animated Get Well ecards for Surgery - "The Muse"
Views: 8595
Our Cuban Muse, the inner creativity, gets us ready and gives us encouragement for something not so pleasant.
Online get well funny card- "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 8098
In this singing get well ecard the dancing duo musically argue about health.
In this get well cartoon, Sarah, the tough Southern Belle, gives some funny, strong advice.
Views: 4816
Our slightly tweaked Southern Lady lets a sick friend know that it is okay to be depressed and angry because of illness.
This is a pure funny joke ecard that will cheer your friend up starring the Happy Hour Dogs.
Views: 7064
The Happy Hour dogs are slurpin' their spiked chicken soup and complaining and laughing about their ill health.
In this get well e card Jenny Sue, the flight attendant, offers snacks and love.
Views: 6159
Flying to Austrailia, our Flight Attendent, Jenny Sue, compares the germ laden metal tube of the plane to life on Earth.
Send this ecard if you want a wild and funny ride for your sick buddy or family member.
Views: 6830
The pair of infomercial wizards hock a vitamin pill that cures everything.
In this funny get well ecard Det. McDoodle tries to teach his son how to sleuth.
Views: 4739
The brilliant Scotland Yard detective tries against all odds to get his idiot son to solve the mystery of a sick friend.
Stinky Dog, smelly and sweet, stars in this e get well card.
Views: 7542
The smelly canine suggests that his friend eat grass in order to feel better.
This get well cartoon stars the "Pyschick" who optimistically channels the spirit world.
Views: 7339
Our lady of the Spirit World is visited by all the spirits who have been healed to sing the healing chant.
In this online get well ecard, Sister Mary Margaret, learns a lesson from God about health and kindness.
Views: 7177
Sister Mary has a vision that leads her to the understanding that all of us can help heal our friends and family.
Get Well Closed Caps - "Flight Attendant"
Views: 5981
Flying to Austrailia, our Flight Attendent, Jenny Sue, compares the germ laden metal tube of the plane to life on Earth.
The Two Fools warble a Shakespearean ditty in this electronic get well ecard.
Views: 4837
The Elizabethan jesters sing a very bad song and tell a couple of really bad jokes about being sick.
In this get well soon animation, the sweetest nurse that says "Aw" a whole bunch, gives expresses some heartfelt love.
Views: 4050
The Aw Girl stars in the cutest dern get well card ever.
Look at this animated get well wishes ecard - "Dah Sport"
Views: 4193
Da Sport, the greatest athlete of his time, pretends get well feelings to obscure the fact tha he beat up a team mate. These Dah Sport ecards are spicy funny and perfect for people who what a sports ecard.
Get Well Accident - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 8872
When someone has an accident, maybe a broken bone or bruise, Frankie and Eddie, the singing birds, are there to sing them a song.
This animated get well soon ecard stars Louise the Valley Girl Angel
Views: 7021
Louise and her angel friends help a sick friend to take that sickness off their to do list.
In this Get Well soon e card chef Julia Child whips up a soothing feast.
Views: 7487
A famous French Chef whips up a Get Well meal. This is one of our favorite get well ecards.
Send this animated get well ecard to make someone happy in this Rube Goldberg inspired ecard.
Views: 5265
A complicated machine ends up with a simple "Get Well."
Someone is sick and you want to send a sweet animated get well ecard - this is the one.
Views: 8987
In this Sweet Chicken card the dog is having a really bad day. But things are looking up in the end.
Watch this Get Well ecard starring the Master of Creativity, The Muse
Views: 6574
The Cuban Muse inspires a rapid recovery from illness in this funny and inspiring animated card, sending well wishes and comfort.
 Shop Get Well ecards

funny get well ecards and feel better ecards

Something Out of Sorts?

Do you know anyone who is not feeling well? I bet you do. Lately it's the most prevalent way to be. After all, the Mayan calendar's prophecy, which has been preparing us for the end of the world, was wrong. The world didn't end at all! Now there's a bummer for ya!. And those who've been waiting for the Rapture are quite worn down and wondering if it's still going to occur in order for them to lighten up and have a lift. So with all these little disappointments clouding our visions of the new beginnings we looked forward to living we can see how the one thing we can really be sure of is that laughter is the absolute best ways to feel great! Naturally, since our Get Well ecards are mostly comical, they are the perfect remedy for any disease of the body... or the mind.

Send a Get Well E Greeting card

Over the years, the dorks at Rubber Chicken Cards have had hundreds of people write in about their health issues and how a Get Well ecard from RC Cards has done wonders for them.

Talk to Us Sylvia

Listen to this from Sylvia from New York: "I have been very depressed in the last few years. My husband has a serious illness that has required lots of care from me. My daughter sent me an ecard from your Get Well category, the Muse, and on that day I laughed hysterically. I showed it to my husband and he even laughed, too. Believe it or not, every day I go to your site and watch the ecards Get Well section and anything else I can get my hands on. Amazing what a little laughter can do to brighten up a day. Thanks for sharing joy."

Another Testimonial

And Brandon from Malibu says, "After a day of heavy surf and not catching one wave, sometimes I feel tired and worn out like I've wasted the day away. But I get to go home and look at all the Rubber Chicken Get Well e cards and I'm ready to ride the wild surf again, and again. They always bring me up to level."

We've Been At This for over 20 Years

For 23 years Rubber Chicken Cards has been turning out funny Get Well ecards that truly change the quality of the day for thousands of people. So, do you know someone who is having a health challenge? Go to our Ecards Get Well section and send them a Rubber Chicken Card. It only takes you a minute to possibly change the course of the day. "Come on, let's do this," says the Muse.