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Just Checking In (6)

Send a funny Just Checking In Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards

Just Checking In - "Sister Mary Margaret"
Views: 6962
Taking a walk, Sister Mary has a vision of her new mission, to keep in touch with her friend.
Just Checking In - "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 6518
The singing and dancing birds bump heads about what "Just Checking In" might mean.
Just Checking In - "Carlita de Mechanic"
Views: 4767
Carlita checks in on her good friend, making the point that not checking in on friends is like not taking care of your vehicle.
Just Checking In - "Guptah"
Views: 4260
The wise Quikmart Sage, that doesn't really exist, checks in on her friend who is not.
Just Checking in Closed Cap - "Carlita"
Views: 5391
Carlita checks in on her good friend, making the point that not checking in on friends is like not taking care of your vehicle.
Great Day #2 - "Marta Stewartski"
Views: 4997
Marta, craft and homemaking Queen supreme, helps us to step up the pace of our creativity and productivity.
Just Checking In cards

Hey, YOU! How Ya Doin'?!

Amazing how much time goes by before we realize we've not stayed in touch with those we care about. It's good every now and again to reach out to others. That's the best way to avoid the Zombie Apocalypse, so we're told! Let us be the first to posit THIS conspiracy theory: The Zombie Apocalypse was an Inside Job!

More Personal Than FB Status Update!

Send Rubber Chicken Just Checking In Cards, to tell those you truly care about that they mean more to you than a Twitter re-tweet. In fact, our eGreetings absolutely scream, "YOU ARE MORE THAN A FACEBOOK 'FRIEND' TO ME! ... AND WE HEAR THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE WAS AN INSIDE JOB!"

CAN We Talk?!?

"I cherish the friend who, for me, does not consult his calendar." You know who said that? No, it wasn't Rob Zombie, but good guess. It was the wonderful Robert Brault. Not to be confused with the wonderful Robert Brault who's the operatic tenor and voice teacher, although we think he's wonderful too, just in a different way and we haven't read ANY of his quotes(yet). We think tenor Robert Brault lives in Utah whereas author Robert Brault lives in Connecticut. Either Brault can tell you A LOT about both kinds of Zombies: "Rob" and other kind.

Crowd (Out)Sourcing

For all the time we spend during our daily lives using social media (btw, be sure to "friend" us on our Facebook page). FYI, if you want to find more awesome quotes from the Connecticut Robert Brault, you can follow him on Twitter, @RobertBrault1 (If you want to tweet Utah Robert Brault, you're gonna have to hand him the tweet in person, 'cuz we don't know if he's on Twitter. Try emailing him a "Just Checking In" Rubber Chicken Card, send it to University of Utah (U of U), at Utah.edu and good luck with that, tell us how it goes. Anyway, like we were saying we all spend a lot of time on social media, so you'd think we'd be a lot less oblivious to what are friends are up to and "where their heads are at" as people used to say in the late 1970s. Send out one or more of our Rubber Chicken Just Checking In Cards and let those YOU actually love, know that you care enough to make them laugh (or at least click the "play" button on our animating eCards)!
Sorry, "Evie" and everyone else, let us make it all up to you this way: sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free eCards for 10 days!