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Halloween (49)

Send a funny or spooky animated Halloween Ecard greeting by email from Rubber Chicken

Send this funny Halloween ecard starring "Book Review"
Views: 7718
One of our Book Reviewers spins a tale of "Skull" the killer who murders a whole town.
Shop Halloween ecards starring Donner and Blitzen
Views: 5477
The two idiot reindeer that Santa neglects in the off season are stealing from the elves to make ends meet.
Unique Halloween ecards starring Armando of the "Taco Truck"
Views: 5836
At the Taco Truck, Armando serves up favorites laced with strong chilies to celebrate life and death.
This is a Rube Goldberg Halloween ecard
Views: 6680
In this Rube Goldberg homage card-toon, a series of complicated moves create a simple outcome.
This angel Halloween e card stars "Louise the Angel"
Views: 6105
Louise, the Valley Girl angel, dresses up and hangs out with her friendly ghost buddies.
This choice Halloween ecard stars "Bats inna Belfry"
Views: 6089
Wiseguy bats discuss the fear of change on Halloween.
Shop this funny Halloween ecard starring "Juicy Juice"
Views: 6061
Kimmi the airhead juice girl meets the ghost of Elivs at the Juice Bar.
This spooky Halloween ecard stars "The Muse"
Views: 6830
The Cuban Muse knows that on Halloween, with all the scary stuff you will need to do and know, you really need a Muse.
"Guptah" the local sage stars in this Premium ecard
Views: 4786
The great local Sage, Guptah, give a beautiful reading on the true meaning of Halloween.
This funny Halloween ecard stars "Beezlebob"
Views: 6161
Beezle Bob, the devil, has a focus group with some of his creepier friends and tries to figure out what to do with man's unsatiable need for evil.
Send this cat Halloween ecard starring "Puss"
Views: 8253
The bad luck kitty with the great attitude welcomes his new/old life on Halloween.
Day of the Dead - "BeezleBob"
Views: 8023
Beez gets together the craziest group of dead people yet to honor those who lived horrible lives.
Halloween Corona Style - "Lincoln"
Views: 5817
8 Year Old Lincoln cannot go trick or treating this year. So he has to make something up!! Credits: Script: 8 year old Noah Cuadra; music: Noah Cuadra; Voice Noah Cuadra: Artwork: Corey Rotblatt
Try our High-End Halloween ecard starring "ASMR Trina M"
Views: 7991
Trina M, famous practitioner of ASMR (message through whispering) shares the sounds of Halloween.
"De la Noche" stars in this musical Halloween e card
Views: 6500
The great Spanish lover warbles a song of fright and love on this Halloween night.
This hysterical Halloween ecard stars the "Roadshow"
Views: 8666
Dale Vacwit and the Roadshow host discover that the "antique" Dale brings in might be his cousin Eddie as a werewolf.
This smart Halloween online card stars "The Translator"
Views: 6482
As the evil things lurk, The Translator is there to tell us what they are thinking.
"Sinclair the Hipster" stars in this funny online e card
Views: 6317
Sinclair, the hipster, wants only one thing this Halloween, and that is to not be a cliche.
This choice Halloween ecard stars "Sarah"
Views: 7523
Sarah, the tell it like it is Southern Belle has some choice words to say about her son and the great pumpkin challenge.
This spiritual funny Halloween virtual card stars "God"
Views: 7152
Taking a break from his very busy day, God gives some advice on how to treat people on Halloween.
This funny Halloween ecard stars the local sage "Guptah"
Views: 4910
Guptah, the great sage of the Quik Mart, unfurls some Halloween wisdome and fun.
"Aunt Gloria" stars in this Select online ecard
Views: 7787
Aunt Gloria is so very happy that you have come to her house on halloween dressed up and ready to roll.
"Dah Sport" stars in this Superior Halloween Ecard
Views: 4568
This Halloween, "Da Sport." The idiot who is the greatest athlete in the world is in a bit of a challenge with drugs and rather bad behavior.
This funny Halloween ecard is our second for "Juicy Juice"
Views: 5214
Kimmi the Juice Girl gets a call from a creepy guy and turns the tables on him.
Send this funny Halloween ecard starring "Good Cop - Bad Cop"
Views: 6734
The detectives of Princinct 694.5 try to stop Dracula from flying on Halloween night.
This virtual musical Halloween ecard stars "Frankie and Eddie"
Views: 8103
The feathered song birds, FRANKIE AND EDDIE, sing a light and happy song to keep away the boogeyman.
This spiritual Halloween ecard stars "Sister Mary Margaret"
Views: 7062
On her way back to the convent through the woods, Sister Mary is beset by scary trick or treaters.
This funny Halloween ecard stars the "Packrats"
Views: 8085
Ed and Ruth do this Halloween show about collecting candy and death masks.
This virtual Halloween card stars the "Flashback Boys"
Views: 7718
Our boys with the residual brain function of ether babble on about the root of the word "Halloween".
This clever Halloween ecard stars "Hot Lips"
Views: 6870
Hot Lips, Administrative Secretary, sips strong coffee and sees a future of job freedom on Halloween.
This clever Halloween online card stars "On the Runway"
Views: 8421
Twinkie, the world's greatest fashion designer, shows her Halloween collection and the offspring of Donald Trump and Rose O'Donnell.
Send this Select Halloween ecard starring- "Madam President"
Views: 6915
The President tells of her plan to create the perfect Halloween costume.
This wacky Halloween ecard stars "The Psychick"
Views: 4618
The lady of the shadows contacts some interesting Halloween spirits from the other side.
This funny Halloween ecard starss "Flight Attendant"
Views: 6062
Jenny Sue presides of the flight bound for NOHEAD, New York, offering snacks and stories of evil and delight.
Check out our High End Halloween Ecard starring "Audition"
Views: 6020
The casting director leads the actor through a series of scary characters.
This virtual Halloween ecard stars "Marlene and Dave"
Views: 4778
The infomercial wackos are selling pumpkin brooches with pop up nametags.
This High-Tech Halloween ecard stars the "Geeks"
Views: 4091
Our computer geeks try to weasle out of the Halloween party of the century.
This smart Halloween ecard stars "The Professors"
Views: 6810
The dueling gents of the intellect turn their brilliance into merriment as they guess the costumes of major figures in History.
This High-End Halloween ecard stars Betty Ann from "Welcome Wagon"
Views: 5366
Betty Ann Beeman, the Welcome Wagon Lady, offers a wide array of Halloween goodies from her intrusive Welcome Wagon Cart.
A unique Halloween ecard stars the "Breeder Brothers"
Views: 6376
The Breeder Brothers, with a combined I.Q. of a sock, give some deep advice about Halloween pranks.
Halloween (Folk Town) - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 5109
Little Jim is scared to death on Halloween in his small town.
This cat Halloween ecard stars "Furball Franny"
Views: 5464
In this Halloween ecard, the furball hocking Southern Belle kitty tries to fend off the demons of Halloween.
This funny dog Halloween ecard stars "Stinky Dog"
Views: 5933
Stinky Dog goes to the graveyard to stop the dead from popping out.
This musical Halloween ecard stars the "Two Fools"
Views: 8496
The two Jesters tell a couple of very bad Halloween jokes and sing some Ole English ditties.
This musical Halloween ecard stars "The Minstrel"
Views: 8018
The English Minstrel strums his mandolin and warbles a song of fright and love.
This HIgh-Class ecard stars Mr. Klamen at the "General Store"
Views: 7485
Bert comes to the General Store and Mr. Klamen to get the stuff to set up for Halloween.
This funny musical ecard stars "Reggae Mon"
Views: 6184
Regae Mon tells a sweet musical tale of joy and love on Halloween
This Ultra Premium Halloween ecard stars "Food Eaters"
Views: 4930
Jake Wellington with his own YouTube food show shares candies with his fans.
This foodie Halloween ecard stars "Marta Stewartski"
Views: 8043
Marta conducts her Halloween show from the graveyard.
Happy Halloween Animated Greetings

Most Zombies Have Abandonment Issues!

Halloween is one of the most popular ecard sending days of the year. Okay, that's a "trick"...now for your "treat": A little bit about Halloween's hist-scary (yea, we know you came to this section to learn ): Rubber Chicken invented Halloween... okay, that's a "trick" too. Here's the truth, at least Bill Clinton's version of the truth... Halloween is a sanitized version of a Druid holiday. The proto-hipsters (aka "Christians") got a hold of it and turned it into something called, "All Hallows' Evening". Then the Confectionary-Industrial Complex overly commercialized it, so now it's devolved into just another holiday to unload last year's stale candy. We here at Rubber Chicken Cards are traditionalists (that's a trick too, we have no idea what we are) and prefer to call the holiday, "Hello, Weenie!" or "Toilet-Paper-The-Neighbor's Tree Day". Or better yet, or "Hey, These Cheap Halloween Latex Masks Make Our Faces Smell like a Old Condom" Day!" We report, YOU decide! Then you should really send out our RCC Halloween Cards. 'Cuz we have WAAAAY too many of them! And unlike Brach's crappy, cellophane-wrapped candies, our Halloweenie Cards don't have a long shelf life! So send them out...HURRY!

Boo WHO??????????????  ?!?

It is a yearly holiday observed around the world on 31 October, the night before All Saints' Day?????????¢?? preferable by lobbing eggs from the back of a Chevy Station Wagon (an ancient vehicle used in the time of the English invasion of all countries).

Halloween Animated Greeting Cards - All About (Hallow's) Eve

This Christian feast of "All Hallows' Eve" embraces traditions from pagan harvest festivals and festivals honoring the dead, including Herbert Hoover.

What Comes Around...

Halloween is always exciting when it comes around. For many it is THE most thrilling time of the year. It is the one night were you can be anything you want, were you can unleash your creativity. You can invent characters, build your costume out of garbage, play the opposite sex, collaborate with a friend and be some sort of dynamic duo, or just go as Dracula.

Ghoul of Our Dreams!

Many people plan months ahead of time so they can get their costume perfect for the ghoulish night. The Halloween night itself is rich with a spooky eerie charm, even for adults. Remember being a kid and the excruciating excitement? It was unbearably fun, and it wasn't just because of all the candy you were going to get, it was because it is a day where all the fairy tales, ghost stories, and characters of fantasy, come alive. Every little spooky decoration has a creepy enchanting atmosphere.

All I Got Was a Rock...

And when trick or treating, forget those little plastic shopping bags, we went for the pillow cases because we knew that we could eventually - under the governing eye of our parents - eat all our candy, we could stock up for the winter.

Halloween Ecards | Spooky Animated Greetings

Halloween is one of the very few times of the year were it's just as exciting to be an adult as it is to be kid. Gosh! We're all filled with nostalgia now just thinking about it.

4 out of 5 Dentists Recommend Sending Out RCC Halloween eCards

And so, the ding-bats here at Rubber Chicken have created a Halloween ecard selection better than all the other Halloween ecards in the world combined, or so we think. We currently have over 33 ecards Halloween to delight and to frighten. In addition to the character cards, featuring Louise the Angel, Guptah, and The Muse, we also have our clever Rube Goldberg and Folk Town greetings.
sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free eCards for 10 days!