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Send a Funny Anniversary ecard (22)

Sending a funny online anniversary card is a great way to say I love you to your husband or wife. Show off with an Animated Anniversary memes or greeting cards for people with a sense of humor. Okay, let's say your Aunt Rita doesn't have a sense of humor. Well send a sweet anniversary e card today. Or don't: we are here to serve.

Shop this funny Anniversary Ecard starring "Hot Lips"
Views: 5961
After 5 failed marriages, Hot Lips, the grumpy administrator, honors her friend's wonderful relationship.
Send this funny online Anniversary ecard to spice things up.
Views: 6299
The lusty Barista from Montreal serves up some sweet and funny thoughts and songs about relationships. Send this memorable Anniversary lusty moment for your friends or mate.
The Wise One Guptah stars in this sweet and fun Anniversary e card.
Views: 7251
Sage encouragement and love for a wonderful relationship on an anniversary. Send this Anniversary ecard for a truly unforgettable celebration.
God has love and suggestions in this funny virtual anniversary ecard.
Views: 4303
Honoring the anniversary, the One and Only takes time out to offer his congratulations... and advice. He singles out the this couple that he congratulates and suggests that they are the greatest couple the world has ever known. This card is voiced by Steven Rotblatt.
Welcome to Aunt Gloria's house on your anniversay.
Views: 5154
Aunt Gloria is sooooo very happy and honored to have you in her home for your anniversary. She lays out good food and pithy conversation.
Send this sweet anniversary e card to create a smile.
Views: 6777
Louise, the Valley Girl Angel, checks all the types of anniversaries, (like cotton, leather, ivory - to name a few) and finds them wanting when compared to the real celebration of an anniversary: love. And so she creates the most special thing that she and her friends can think of, a diamond studded toaster! This character is voiced by Martha Lambert. If you like this character, you might like Angel Moon McFadden and the Muse.
Add a touch of humor with this Funny Anniversary e card starring Armando at the Taco Truck.
Views: 6129
Armando, the magical Taco Truck cook, prepares a beautiful and rich dinner for an anniversary party. Bring a smile to your friend's or partner's face on this special day.
Send one of our Premium Anniversary ecards to celebrate.
Views: 4068
In this Sweet Chicken Anniversary card-toon, two birds sybolize the happy couple as they take the tools of a marriage to create a strong and lasting bond. This card was created, illustrated, and animated by Kelly Wine, one of the great in-house (that's all we have) animators of Rubber Chicken Cards. If you like this ecard you might also like the Rube Goldberg homage cards and all of the other Sweet Chicken offerings. This is one of our many cards that you can send to somebody without a sense of humor. That means that they may not have a sense of humor - you certainly do!!!
Perfect for lgbtqia+ sending, this Runway anniversary online card is full of fun.
Views: 8049
So what does a cutting edge designer have for an anniversary on the Runway?
In this Anniversary ecard video, Vinnie and Sophie from "Jersey" celebrate there special day at the local Pizza Parlor.
Views: 7020
Vinnie and Sofie, a couple from Jersey, out to have a pizza dinner, have a real challenge when Vinnie forgets their anniversary. Sofie does not let him go on this one and presses him to make it right. After hemming and hawing, Vinnie finds just the right touch. This ecard is voiced by Andie Bolt and Steven Rotblatt. The artwork is from Scott Angle.
Wedding - "Roadshow"
Views: 5066
Dale Vacwit, idiot, brings something unexpected that they got for their wedding to the Expert for evaluation.
Celebrate the love journey with the "Flight Attendant."
Views: 7542
Jenny Sue, the Flight Attendant, chats about the connection between flying and marriage while handing out snacks. In this funny and sweet ecard, we discover that Jenny Sue has had many husbands and may really, really understand the ups and downs of marriage. This card-toon is acted by Melissa van der Schyff.
This is a romantic and meaningful Anniversary ecard from our Sweet Chicken collection.
Views: 4029
Music, painterly images, and words blend to offer a heartfelt message on an anniversary. This Sweet Chicken ecard was created, painted, and animated by Steven Rotblatt. If you like this ecard, you might want to click into the Sweet Chicken area.
Have fun with this hysterical anniversary ecard starring Stinky Dog.
Views: 8259
Stinky Dog tries to write an anniversary song to celebrate an anniversary but he doesn't have a guitar. And he won't give a gift because he doesn't believe in gifts, too materialistic. And so, he gives the happy couple the next best thing, he licks their faces. This ecard is voiced by Charlie Adler and written by Steven Rotblatt, Chief Chicken.
Capture your love with this sweet Anniversary ecard.
Views: 4797
Light jazz music and phrases compliment this piece of animation as gears come together on the page to form a moving heart in celebration of what it takes to make a marriage. This ecard was created and animated by Kelly Wine. If you like this ecard you might want to go over to the Sweet Chicken area of the website and take a look around.
Delight your partner or friend with this funny Anniversary ecard starring "BeezleBob"
Views: 7465
Beezle Bob, the Devil, has some of his good friends in, like Jeffrey Dahmer and Judy Garland, in to help him solve the challenge in relationships. This ecard is voiced by the brilliant Charlie Adler.
Honor your parents milestone with this virtual animated ecard starring "The Psychick," our lady of the Spirit World.
Views: 8566
Our medium of the Spirit World, the Psychick, gets a few thousand year old flashback, leading her back to the beginning of marital bliss. In this reverie, she celebrates the day of the great moment of wedded happiness.
In this musical Anniversary ecard, Larry and his brother Barry sing a really terrible song.
Views: 7765
Larry, the tipsy lounge pianist, and his brother Barry sing a Happy Anniversary duet of great nonesense and stupidity. In the end the lights go out in the dilapidated bar, and Larry has to look for his drink in the dark. This ecard is voiced by the original partners in Rubber Chicken Cards, Richard Zobel and Steven Rotblatt.
Who wouldn't want to receive and enjoy this bundle of fun Anniversary card starring the Scottish Angel, Moon McFadden.
Views: 8802
The Scottish Guardian Angel, Moon, has lots of ideas for the happy couple on their anniversary that involve her presence: like travel, reinactment of the wedding day, baking a new wedding cake, and a second honeymoon. This card-toon is voiced by the talented and versitile Melissa van der Schyff. If you like this character be sure to see Louise the Angel and the Muse.
Send this anniversary ecard to a brother or sister with a dry sense of humor. This stars the "Packrats" who collect basically useful garbage.
Views: 7714
Ed and Ruth, the Collectors and the two most boring human beings in the entire world, share their anniversary collection that includes wearing the very heavy Birundi sheep's heads. Send this stand out Anniversary idea!
Tell your love story to Dr. Maybaum, relationship shrink to the stars.
Views: 8736
Doctor Maybaum, idiot, sharp-tongued radio talk show host, helps a caller whose wife just left him. In using tough love, Dr. Maybaum insults the hell out of him. This card is voiced by Steven Rotblatt and Richard Zobel, the original partners in Rubber Chicken Cards.
Try this eco friendly Anniversary ecard (it's an ecard with no waste) starring Jack and his puppet Jacques.
Views: 4837
The American ventriloquist and his French Dummy argue about whether French or English is the better language with which to say Happy Anniversary. In this quick paced card-toon the dummy, Jacque, enrages the American, Jack into
Funny Online Happy Anniversary Cards memes

Funny Online Happy Anniversary Cards & Memes

We honor the couples who made it through another great year together.

Anniversaries are amazing. Most people at some time (most) want to be part of a couple or a partnership. So when people have another year under their belt, have resolved some issues, deepened love, we, meaning the team of you and RC Cards, rise to the occasion . Yep, sending one of our ecards makes life more fun.

Happy Anniversary Online Greeting Cards

Anniversaries are both fun and also sweet to the core. We root for couples to win, and when they do we need to send them something special. Diamonds, art, clothes and A Rubber Chicken happy anniversary eCard. Yep. Love is in the air.