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Rufus the Dog (5)

Veteran of many wars, this great dog tells tall ones

This funny Father's Day ecard stars "Rufus the Veteran Dog"
Views: 6973
Rufus, the Verteran Dog, mangles his tall tale but nails the love between Pop and Son.
Send this dog birthday ecard starring "Rufus the Dog"
Views: 4348
Rufus, the grissled backyard veteran dog, weaves a remarkable story of war and friendship in which nothing really seems to be real.
"Rufus the Dog" stars in this Dog mothers Day ecard.
Views: 7276
Thinking of his Ma, Rufus the Veteran Dog recalls the night his platoon used the power of "Ma" to win the day.
Send this Premium Daylight Savings ecard starring "Rufus the Veteran Dog"
Views: 7161
Rufus, the Veteran Dog, tells a very tall tale about Daylight Savings time and the time he and his troop had to "Fall Back."
This Dog Fourth of July e card stars "Rufus" the Veteran Dog
Views: 5028
Rufus, the veteran dog, gets his facts mixed up as he tells a tale tale of the beginnings of the Fourth of July.