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Tu Bishvat (8)

Tu Bishvat - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 7377
Tu Bishvat celebrated in a series of paintings of trees, text, and music.
Tu Bishvat - "Flashback Boys"
Views: 4522
The boys with the combined I.Q. of millet discover the meaning of the Jewish Holiday of Tu Bishvat.
Tu Bishvat - "The Packrats"
Views: 6379
In this TU BISHVAT Card-toon, the PACKRATS, the most boring people in the entire world, collect fruit from their many trees.
Tu Bishvat - "Professors"
Views: 4527
The brilliant professors sit in front of a roaring fire discussing the celebration of Tu Bisvat and whether man or God created holidays.
Tu Bishvat - "Aunt Gloria"
Views: 6058
It is so wonderful to be with Aunt Gloria on the Jewish Arbor Day.
Tu Bishvat - "Dottie Rat"
Views: 6993
Our high society rodent approaches the holiday with great enthusiasm.
Tu Bishvat - "Puss"
Views: 6206
Puss, the unlucky, positive-thinking kitty, has a horrible Tu Bishvat dinner that almost cripples him.
Tu Bishvat - "Jersey"
Views: 6442
It's the Jewish holiday that celebrates trees, like an Earth Day. What does Vinnie want on Tu Bishvat, even though he is not Jewish?