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Politics (4)

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Presidential Elections - "Dah Sport"
Views: 7806
Dah Sport, the greatest and most stupid athelete in the world, is running for President with no platform and no policies.
Global Warming - "Flashback Boys"
Views: 4397
The boys with only one brain cell left, sweat in the summer heat and worry about Global Warming.
Economy - "Juicy Juice"
Views: 6027
The Juicy Juice girls, Kimmie and her best friend, get a manicure and discuss how they will try and reverse the bad economy.
Legalize Pot - "Just for the Peck of It"
Views: 4433
The Flashback Boys, with only one brain cell left between them from overuse of recreational drugs, realize that pot is now legal. The dialogue that ensues puts them on the very forefront of logic... or maybe not.