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Pi Day (1)

This online Pi Day ecard has been long in coming. We didn't want to ignore Pi Day, but we did. Our apologies, and yet, here it is: A Pi Day ecard

Send this Animated Pi Day ecard with God at its helm. Who better?
Views: 8165
Himself weighs in on the wonderfulness of both the mathematical and the Pie of Pi Day.
 Pi Day  eCards

Our Funny online Pi Day ecards

For many years people have been asking us for a Pi Day online card. Well, we have ignored them. Not because we don't love you, but because the idiots at Rubber Chicken Cards forget. Yes, we are human. And though Pi Day is awesome and amazing and deserves its own day, we would rather watch old tv shows than work hard.

A New Leaf

Well, we have turned the page and other clichés. We got to work and created our first of many, I'm sure... maybe, of Pi Day e cards.

The purpose of Rubber Chicken Cards.com is to spread joy and love. That's what we're about. And why not do it on Pi Day, for goodness sakes.