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Nurse's Day (7)

Send a funny Nurse's Day Ecards from Rubber Chicken Cards

Send our funny Nurse's Day Ecard starring "The Flight Attendant"
Views: 7766
Jenny Sue serves up some hospital snacks on a flight going toward total health.
Nurse's Day - "Aunt Gloria"
Views: 5646
Aunt Gloria celebrates Nurses and reveals that she was once a nurse herself.
Nurses's Day - "God"
Views: 4422
God takes a moment our of his busy day to let all nurse's know how much he appreciates them and loves them.
Nurse's Day - "The Muse"
Views: 6923
The Cuban muse, the inner creative being, is the muse of the nurse on this day of nurse celebration.
Nurse's Day - "Louise the Angel"
Views: 4956
The Valley Girl Angel and her friends honor the greatness of nurses.
Nurse's Day - "Hot Lips"
Views: 7377
Hot Lips, management in charge of a bad attitude, honors the nurse as someone who actually does some good in the world.
Nurse's Day - "Guptah"
Views: 8252
The sage of the local Quikmart, honors the nurse as God in action.