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Inauguration Day (2)

Send a funny Inauguration Day Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards

Inauguration - "Stinky Dog"
Views: 5907
Stinky Dog attempts to understand why he should be excited about Inauguration Day.
Inauguration Day - "General Store"
Views: 7544
Mr. Klamen helps Bert get all the things needed for a terrific Inauguration Day party.
Inauguration cards

More "Swearing" at the Swearing In Ceremony!

Rubber Chicken Inauguration eCards, send them out to your friends, family, co-workers and most importantly, your political adversaries! Our RCC Inauguration cards put the "F U" back in "Freedom"!

Okay That's Our Pitch. Either Send Out This Category of RCC Cards, or Don't. Now, Just Like Congress, We're taking a Months-Long PAID "Recess"!

So, here's something we found sorta ironic posted on the U.S. government's own web site on the subject of inaugurations: "The 2013 Inaugural Ceremonies theme, 'Faith in America's Future' commemorates the United States' perseverance and marks the 150th anniversary of the placement of the Statue of Freedom atop the U.S. Capitol dome." Now take this moment to send out Rubber Chicken Inauguration Cards... otherwise we're gonna have to keep writing more copy!

Did GW Bush Declare the "Death of Irony" During his Second Inauguration?!

Well, yes, but we'll get to that later. The reason the 150 year anniversary of Capitol Dome's statue is ironic is this: the government's simply celebrating the fact that the "Statue of Freedom" was placed atop the U.S. Capitol dome, but the government's COMPLETELY ignoring WHO actually PUT IT THERE!
Spoiler Alert: it was same people who built the White House, Supreme Court area and the National Mall... as well as the Capitol building itself! Not to mention the same people did an overwhelming majority of the back-breaking labor that made the Founding Fathers??? and politicians at that time into MILLIONAIRES!
Yup, the "Freedom" statue (even more ironic because the statue depicts a Black women newly freed from slavery) was placed atop the capitol's dome by black slaves held in bondage WHILE they were building D.C.! Meanwhile, as enslaved black men stood atop the dome, below their feet, white slave-owners were ratifying laws denying these very same slaves ANY FORM OF FREEDOM what-so-ever!
In fact, inside these "bastions of democracy", legislators REFUSED to even consider black people (slave or otherwise) as ACTUALLY human! See the "3/5ths Comprimise" for more historic context. So, you can see when we say ironic here, we could just as easily characterize this nation's history of institutionalized racism with OTHER words like, Deeply Shameful, American Apartheid, and/or Unforgivably Criminal.

So Send Out Those Rubber Chicken Inauguration Cards Today!

That said, it would not be until the late 1960s, before African Americans ???many of whom were direct descendants of slaves (who built the buildings in Washington, D.C. where the Statue of Freedom now crowns)???could even VOTE in the United States. 1960! And when was the country founded? 1776? If our history teachers were being truthful. So, 1960 minus 1776 equals a travesty of justice, THAT'S WHAT!

Happy Inauguration Day! Send Out RCC Inauguration Cards Today!

And we're happy you chose us to represent you, in the "animating eGreetings" department. Hey, at least Palin's not running again. Right?
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