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Gay and Lesbian (1)

Send a Gay and Lesbian Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards

Valentine's Day (LGBTQ) - "On the Runway"
Views: 7554
Twinkie, the great fashion designer, introduces her Gay and Lesbian line of Pleather Valentine's Day outfits.
Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender

Putting the "B and T" Back in "PRIDE",  Namely, Bisexual & Transgender in "LGBT"!

Okay, so we here at Rubber Chicken Cards have COMPLETELY FAILED YOU when it comes to creating our Rubber Chicken LGBT cards! Namely, we have YET to create Rubber Chicken Bisexual, Transgender and the FULL RANGE of human sexual attraction and gender expression Cards! So far we've only made Lesbian and Gay cards. BUT! From now on, we PROMISE YOU we will include both the Transgender AND Bisexual community in our Rubber Chicken LGBT Cards!

Celebrating LGBT People's Six BILLION Years of Existence on THIS Planet!

Until Olivia Travelr starts booking cruises to Venus and beyond, which is when we'll finally be able to celebrate the achievements of LGBT people on OTHER planets and solar systems, we're gonna have to be content celebrating the ENORMOUS (meaning pretty much all of) historical contributions made by Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans people here on Earth.

Homophobes Are a Hate-Filled Group of "Chick-Fil-A-HOLES"!

We here at Rubber Chicken Cards are VERY PROUD of ALL OUR lesbian, gay, bi and trans friends, family and stranges we haven't yet met, but already know we're gonna like a lot once we do. This world has always been (and always will be) a MUCH BETTER PLACE because of all the contributions lgbt people have generously shared with us ALL. And we are forever grateful and respectful of the struggle waged by LGBT people in fighting for AND WINNING equality, respect and dignity they richly deserve! We fight for your equal and civil rights RIGHT ALONG SIDE you! And we are proud to say WE ALWAYS WILL!

That Said, We're Still a Bunch of Stupid Dumb Asses For Not (YET) Creating More Bi and Trans Rubber Chicken Cards!

Who do we think we are (by being so non-inclusive), Log Cabin Republicans ?! See how "hep" we are? We can drop all these "in the know" references and make inside jokes that not even RuPaul would get! Clearly, we can "walk the walk", but what ACTUALLY matters is, "DEEDS" not "WORDS"!" So we are not letting ourselves off the hook UNTIL we create enough ( or ANY at the moment ) Rubber Chicken LGBT Cards that include Bi and Trans people, as well as same-sex couples and those who, wisely and wonderfully, choose to remain "sensationally single". So we're getting busy RIGHT NOW (unless it's night time, that's when we watch re-runs of "Golden Girls")!

We Love Harrison Ford but We're STILL Boy-Cotting Orson Card Scott's Movie, "Ender's Game"!

Orson Scott Card's an unapologetic homophobe! Even if he were (and he's NOT) an "apologetic" homophobe, Orson Scott Card is still a bigot, so we're gonna go see, Tom Fordâ??s, "A Single Man" or Anne Wheelerâ??s film, "Better Than Chocolate" or Duncan Tucker's "Transamerica" (AGAIN!), 'cuz we spend our lgbt-friendly dollars on people who are INCLUSIVE and WELCOMING! And that's the exact opposite of both Orson Scott Card and the Adolf Coors (beer) family (just to name a few)!


Plus we really like those Lemon Melt-a-Waysr ...We can start by making RUBBER CHICKEN LGBT CARDS for (at least) these victories (list to follow) and we'll make these (upcoming, but as of yet UN-MADE) cards in honor of the tireless effort of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people ???as well as their families, allies and loved ones; namely: the striking down in 2003 of "Lawrence v Texas"! And when the hell are we gonna start making more Rubber Chicken cards that celebrate (generally) all the contributions of women?! And we could make a RCC LGBT Card celebrating the overturning of the so-called "Defense" of Marriage Act! We here at Rubber Chicken LGBT cards are evolving faster than Obama is when it comes to celebrating the centuries of pride and contributions made by LGBT people. So it's time we start SHOWING it in more of the cards we make!
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