Send a funny Flag Day Ecard from Rubber Chicken Cards
Sure, it's not a every day we take time out to contemplate an event or a symbol. Case in point, when was the last time you honored PI? Not the movie, although the tiger did an outstanding acting job in that one, why didn't she at least get nominated for an Oscar? Hollywood can be so cliquey, can't they?
Even though the mathematical symbol for the the square root of a circle's whatever, is very important, we're not talking about PI or even math right now. Today we're taking time to honor the American Flag's birthday (even if most of them are now mass produced in other countries).
Can you believe Flag Day is not an official federal holiday? I mean, seriously, if ever there was a day NOT to expect your mail to be delivered or to keep a bank closed that didn't involve bail outs, it seems like Flag Day would be it! I mean, come on!
We commemorate the birthday of the American flag, on June 14th and would you believe, it took an ACTUAL act of Congress to do it? And true to form, Congress' original intentions were completely different than what they ended up with. They thought they were trying to pass a resolution on gun control, but after all the filibustering and after adding in all the the pork barrel nonsense, and of course after a nice, relaxing recess, Congress ended up voting to adopt the Stars and Stripes as the U.S. official flag (then the newest members launched an federal investigation and called it "Betsy-gate").
The original design of the flag was not stars and stripes, but was, in fact, the logo for the Chicago Cubs. But after an initial very disappointing first season, Washington, Jefferson and Madison decided to go with "Plan B".
The week of June 14 is designated as "National Flag Week", and usually the President will issue a proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the American flag. Some cities hold parades and events in celebration of country's national symbol. I wonder if Ben and Jerry have a red, white and blue ice cream yet?
As dyed-in-the-wool, blue-blooded members of the Rubber Chicken Cards team, we have created a nice little group of funny and respectful Flag Day ecard choices. We have Flag Day ecards from some of your favorite characters, like the Roadshow, the Professors, and the Packrats.